Sub-Saharan Africa
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Russia’s Deputy Minister of Defense Discusses Military Collaboration With Mali’s President

Relations between Mali and Russia are growing steadily in the spheres of military, energy and humanitarian cooperation. For example, in late May, the two nations launched a joint project to build West Africa's largest solar power plant in Sanankoroba, near capital Bamako.
The Russian Deputy Minister of Defense, Colonel-General Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, led a large delegation on a working visit to Mali on Monday to discuss military cooperation between the countries, local media reported.
During this visit, he was received in an audience at the Koulouba Palace by the transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goita.
The working session allowed both parties to further examine and analyze Mali's development needs, according to local media.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Niger's Head Tiani Holds 'Important' Meeting With High-Ranking Russian Military Delegation
On Sunday, Yevkurov also visited Mali's neighbor, Niger, where he was received by the head of Niger's ruling National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani.
The meeting ended with the signing of a memorandum on multisectoral cooperation between Niger and Russia.