Sub-Saharan Africa
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Russian Military Carried Out Operation to Free Captured Chadian Servicemen

The joint operation with the Chadian army took place in Central Africa, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
Nine months ago, 21 servicemen of the Chadian Armed Forces were captured by illegal armed groups while demining an airport in the Tibesti region (Chad). They were held in inhumane conditions and tortured.
After the successful liberation, all the captives were first taken to a temporary location, where Russian medics provided the necessary qualified assistance.
Then, under the control and escort of Russian servicemen, the freed prisoners were evacuated to their home country.
Following the results of the operation, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Chad thanked Russia, noting that it has always been a reliable partner of African states, unlike France, Great Britain and the United States, which have only taken advantage of Africans.