Russia Reportedly Requests Fuel Supply Point From Sudan in Red Sea

TUNIS (Sputnik) - Russia has asked Sudan for a fuel supply point in the Red Sea in exchange for arms supplies, Al Arabiya broadcaster reported, citing an assistant to the head of the Sudanese sovereignty council.
Sudanese sovereignty council head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan will soon sign agreements with Russia, the report said on Saturday.
In March, Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Al-Sadiq said in an interview with Sputnik that the country's government has no "principled objections" to the creation of a Russian naval base in Sudan.
In 2020, Russia and Sudan signed an agreement that will allow Moscow to locate its naval base in Port Sudan for 25 years. However, to date, Sudan has not ratified the agreement amid a political and security crisis in the country that started in 2023.