Sub-Saharan Africa
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Namibia to Adopt New Visa Rules for Countries That Require Visas From its Nationals

New rules will impact a total of 31 countries including Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the UK, and the US.
The Namibian government has directed the nation's Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security (MHAISS) to adopt the new requirements for entry visas for foreigners of the countries that have not reciprocated Windhoek's conducive visa policies.
The decision aims to promote "fair and balanced diplomatic relations," the executive director of MHAISS, Etienne Maritz stated in a press release.

"In recent years, the Republic of Namibia [...] has extended gestures of goodwill and favorable treatment to nationals of various countries. However, despite these efforts, certain nations have not reciprocated. In light of this disparity, the government has deemed it necessary to implement a visa requirement to ensure parity and fairness in diplomatic interactions," the statement reads.

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The MHAISS will later announce the start date and application procedures through diplomatic channels.
Maritz stressed that this policy does not seek to obstruct legitimate travel.
Despite this new requirement, Namibia remains committed to fostering positive and mutually beneficial diplomatic relations and continues to welcome visitors and tourists, according to the MHAISS' director.