Sub-Saharan Africa
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New Military Equipment Will Help Burkina 'Pursue Enemy to Its Last Refuge'

Burkina Faso's army has recently received new military equipment. A convoy of trucks loaded with advanced military equipment arrived in the capital, Ouagadougou, on Tuesday to cheers from the crowds.
The latest-generation equipment acquired by Burkina Faso's armed forces will "significantly change" the situation in the fight against terrorism, Iba Karim, a doctoral student in science, economics and management and a former member of Burkina Faso's parliament, told Sputnik Africa.
"Things have changed considerably in terms of military equipment. We have equipment adapted to the reality of our territory, Burkina Faso, which is mostly very flat," he explained.
According to him, one of the purposes of this equipment is to act as a deterrent: "Any country that dares to attack Burkina Faso will first be very cautious. Because they know that things have changed and that we might be able to do a lot of damage to them."
"We have never seen such equipment, such a supply of military weapons that will make the country proud, ensuring the protection of all civilians," the politician noted, referring to the jubilation in Ouagadougou that accompanied the arrival of the convoy.
"We're free to pay for our weapons; we're free to bring them home; we're free to display them; we're free to use them in the field," he said.