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Mali Rallies Behind Footballer Who Covered 'Anti-Homophobia' Logo During French League Match

On Sunday, the Malian midfielder of AS Monaco, Mohamed Camara, covered a badge with the word "homophobia" crossed out on his jersey during a recent match against FC Nantes, and also boycotted a pre-match group photo in which all the players stood in front of a banner with the same message.
A wave of support has emerged in Mali for midfielder Mohamed Camara after he covered up a "Stop Homophobia" logo on his jersey during a recent match for AS Monaco.
Camara, a Malian national, taped over the logo during a game against FC Nantes and also declined to participate in a pre-match group photo in front of a banner bearing the same message.
His actions have prompted a statement from the Mali Football Federation, reaffirming Camara’s right to "freedom of expression."
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Support for Camara has been widespread, particularly among the Malian public. Hamidou Doumbia, political secretary of the Yelema party, stated that the religious beliefs of athletes must be respected.

"Total support, brother," famous rapper Iba One wrote on social networks.