Sub-Saharan Africa
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New Evidence Fuels DR Congo's Claims of Apple's 'Blood Minerals' Supply Chain

The American company's 2023 report claimed that 100% of the identified smelters and refiners in its supply chain for applicable products had participated in an independent third-party conflict minerals audit. Apple said there was "no reasonable basis" to conclude that its supply chain was linked to conflict areas in the DR Congo.
International lawyers representing the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have presented new evidence, obtained from whistleblowers, that intensifies concerns over Apple's sourcing of minerals from conflict-ridden areas in eastern DRC.
The lawyers are pressing Apple to provide answers about its supply chain in the central African country, which has been plagued by violence for decades due to the activities of numerous armed rebel groups. They are currently evaluating legal options.
In April, the legal team sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook, raising a series of concerns about the company's sourcing practices and demanding answers within three weeks. Similar inquiries were also directed to Apple subsidiaries in France. Despite this, Apple has yet to respond or acknowledge receipt of the letters.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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The lawyers have now received new information from whistleblowers, adding further weight to their allegations.

"It is more urgent than ever that Apple provide real answers to the very serious questions we have raised," stated Robert Amsterdam, one of the lawyers involved in the case.

Apple has previously maintained that it does not directly procure primary minerals and has conducted audits of its suppliers for several years, publishing their findings.
However, Peter Sahlas, another lawyer on the case, revealed that individuals involved in Apple's supply chain verification in Congo have come forward, alleging that their contracts were terminated after raising concerns about the presence of "blood minerals" in the American company's supply chain.