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US Has Small Number of Troops in Chad Engaged in Counterterror Mission, State Dept. Says

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Earlier this month, a US defense official told Sputnik that the United States has relocated 60 of its military personnel from Chad to Germany amid an ongoing review of security cooperation between the countries.
The United States still has a small number of troops in Chad engaged in a multinational counterterrorism mission, US Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee said during a congressional hearing on Wednesday.

"We still have a very small number of troops engaged in Chad," Phee told the US House Foreign Affairs Committee. "There's a multinational joint task force that deals with the Boko Haram problem."

Earlier, the media reported that there were fewer than 100 US troops in Chad.
Phee also said the United States does not consider Chad's request to pull out several US troops to be hostile.
The decision to withdraw US forces is legitimate, Phee said, adding that the United States and Chad are expected to have discussions in the "near future" about the US military presence in the latter.