Russian Defense Minister Shoigu Reviews Drone & Small Arms Capabilities in Moscow Region

On Saturday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu arrived at a training area in the Moscow Military District.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu was presented with promising drones and small arms at a Moscow Military District firing range, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergey Shoigu at the Moscow Military District's firing range reviewed the implementation of instructions on the development of drones and small arms taking into account the experience of the special military operation," the ministry said.

Shoigu was presented with a combat quadcopter capable of remote terrain mining as well as a number of different unmanned aerial vehicles with payloads ranging from 10 to 200 kilograms, the ministry added.
A research and production center for drones and robots will be created for the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergey Shoigu said. Shoigu stressed that the center will be an amalgamation of various enterprises, laboratories, and design bureaus engaged in the development and production of advanced weapons.