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'Proof of Ukraine Being Proxy': ANC Youth Leader on Macron's Words on Sending EU Troops to Ukraine

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron said at a presser following the conference on supporting Ukraine in Paris that Western leaders had discussed the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, but no consensus had yet been reached. However, "nothing can be ruled out," he added.
The deployment of European Union soldiers in Ukraine, if it happens, will prove that the real conflict has been between NATO and Russia, with Kiev being only a puppet in the confrontation, Khulekani Skosana, South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) youth League Leader, told Sputnik Africa.

"If the European soldiers really are sent to [Ukraine] this would prove the comments we have previously made that Ukraine was just a proxy and the real war or confrontation has always been between NATO and Russia," he said.

The youth leader added that such a move by the EU would prove that NATO expansionism has always threatened Russia, which responded by launching a special military operation.

"And they [the NATO countries] have tried out and finished the Ukrainian soldiers and now they are threatening to enter into Ukraine themselves. So it would only prove the Russian right in perceiving the NATO expansionism narrative that led them to confront Ukraine," Skosana opined.

He also called Macron's comments "worrisome" and said that Africa would hate to see a war between Russia and NATO, a war that would be "detrimental to the world."
However, Skosana expressed doubt that Macron's promises will be fulfilled, as the West has avoided a direct confrontation with Russia, realizing that it is losing to Moscow militarily.
"I think that the biggest fear that everyone has is World War III, but I don't think that he [Macron] will be able to pull through on the comments he made because what has kept the West away from direct confrontation with Russia is the understanding that Russia has a superior military might," the leader pointed out. "And basically they've just set Ukraine out as a sacrifice."
The Kremlin reacted to Macron's remarks about the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine by saying that if that happened, a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia would be "inevitable."
Kremlin Notes Discussion in Europe About Sending Troops to Ukraine, Spokesman Says
On Monday, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said that a number of EU and NATO countries are considering the possibility of sending their military to Ukraine on the basis of bilateral agreements.
Russia earlier sent a note to NATO countries about arms deliveries to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine would be a legitimate target for Russia.
Lavrov also said that the US and NATO are directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine, "including not only by supplying weapons, but also by training personnel.... on the territory of the UK, Germany, Italy and other countries."