Russia Publishes Calendar of Events for Its BRICS Chairmanship

Russia has assumed the chairmanship of the BRICS group of countries in 2024. The theme of the chairmanship is "Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security."
The calendar of BRICS events to be held under the Russian presidency in 2024 has been published on the Russian Chairman's of BRICS 2024 website.
The program on the website is scheduled through mid-June. Meetings of ministers and department heads, working group meetings and cultural events are planned. Events are expected to take place not only in Russian cities, but also in São Paulo, Brazil, the Swiss capital of Geneva, and the US Washington, DC, as well as online.
In Russia, a meeting of the BRICS working group on cartels is scheduled for April in Kazan. In May, the heads of the BRICS academies of science are expected to meet in Moscow, as well as deputy foreign ministers or special representatives for consultations on the situation in the Middle East and North Africa.
The main event, the BRICS Summit, will be held in Kazan in October. More than 30 countries have already announced their intention to participate.
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In total, Russia intends to organize about 200 political, economic and social events during its presidency, which will take place in more than a dozen Russian cities.
On January 1, 2024, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa were joined by Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt as new full members of BRICS.
With the addition of the new members, the BRICS has grown to 10 countries with a population of 3.6 billion - nearly half the world's population. The countries account for more than 40% of global oil production and about a quarter of global merchandise exports.