"The media freak out," Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer, told Sputnik. "The media has been losing credibility with each passing week. They are seen as dishonest and propagandists. So, what they think is really of little importance, I don't see a groundswell developing to try to attack Tucker. The irony is, if you take the Fox News Network and MSNBC and CNN combined, Tucker has more viewers, more people following him, than those networks do. They're just jealous."
Origins of Ukraine Conflict
"Putin believes, as I do, that history helps shape the present," Johnson explained. "And if you don't understand where you've been, you'll have a tough time to understand where you're going. And so understanding the history that's inherent in all of this and particularly people in Russia, in the Caucasus, down into the Middle East, they really bring a different historical perspective to life that is very different from what Americans do. Americans don't remember much."
Specter of WW2
"Whereas, as you see today, with respect to the Russian people remembering the Great Patriotic War [WW2], they remember," Johnson noted. "They carry pictures. So it's still fresh. And the damage inflicted upon the Russian people by the Germans, the Nazis, is something they have not forgotten and won't easily forget. So I think that's part of why Putin goes back to history, to drive home the point that Russians have a different timeline, different perspective from Americans. And it's important for Americans to understand that."
Does the US Really Have Desire to Send Troops to Russia?
"I thought one of the most important, he had several important revelations, but he indicated that the number one supplier of mercenaries is Poland, followed by the United States, which I thought was quite telling. And then I guess third was Georgians," Johnson noted. "So he was commenting on the fact that Russia is already dealing with foreign fighters. But his specific point on that was that if you send armies in uniform under the command of generals, then you're looking at a nuclear war. Russia will defend itself with all necessary means at its disposal."