FBI Director Voices Concern Over Terror Threats Following Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday expressed concerns about the Taliban's* takeover in Afghanistan and the intentions of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) to inspire attacks in the US.
"The FBI remains concerned about the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and that the intent of FTOs, such as ISIS* (Daesh) and Al-Qaeda* and their affiliates, is to carry out or inspire large-scale attacks in the United States," Wray said during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing.
Wray also said the use of social media and messaging applications by ISIS to attract recruits remains a cause for concern.
"Like other foreign terrorist groups, ISIS advocates for lone offender attacks in the United States and Western countries via videos and other English language propaganda that have specifically advocated for attacks against civilians, the military, law enforcement and intelligence community personnel," Wray said during the hearing.
Wray added that Al-Qaeda continues to harbor the ambition to both execute and incite large-scale attacks. Though this desire persists, ongoing pressure has led to the deterioration of key leadership within the group, he said.
* Terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other states