Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russia Opposed Ukraine's NATO Membership Over Security Risks, Did Not Oppose Joining EU

SOCHI (Sputnik) - Russia has always stood against Ukraine's membership of NATO due to national security concerns, but never opposed Kiev's aspirations to join the European Union, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.
"As for NATO — yes, we have always been against [Ukraine's accession to the alliance], and there are good reasons for this, as NATO's expansion to our borders poses a direct threat to our security," Putin said at the Valdai Discussion Club, adding that NATO infrastructure at Russia's doorstep is "a serious threat."
Meanwhile, Russia has "never objected to or expressed any spoke negatively about Ukraine’s plans to join the European Economic Community," Putin said, adding that the country sees no military threat in "economic cooperation of any country, any economic unions."
The Russian president also cast doubt on Ukraine's economic resilience, saying that it will collapse without foreign aid "in a week" despite an appearance of a balanced budget and macroeconomic indicators.
"It [Ukraine] is still trying to manufacture something, but little gets achieved," Putin said, adding that if the EU is ready to accept such an economy, then it is their choice.
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
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