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Canadian PM's Excuse for Saluting Nazi Veteran is 'Childish & Negligent': Experts

Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi veteran who fought in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS during World War II, received a standing ovation from the entire Canadian legislature on Friday. Sputnik has talked with deputies, analysts, and experts about the scandal.
On September 22, Prime Minister Trudeau, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, lawmakers and other guests gave a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old veteran who fought in the ranks of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS against the Soviet Union during World War II.
The Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota, apologized on August 24 for calling Hunka a "hero" during the ceremony at the Canadian Parliament. Meanwhile, Trudeau's office stated that the PM was unaware that the Nazi collaborator would be attending the event.

Not a Credible Argument

"That is childish and completely negligent," Antonio Attolini Murra, an elected member of the Congress of the state of Coahuila (northern Mexico) and former advisor to the ruling Morena party bench in the Mexican Senate, told Sputnik. He emphasized that Trudeau's response was completely implausible and indicative of the decline of the West, which is succumbing to the "liberal tyranny of fakeness".

"I can believe that he is not the person responsible for the agenda of the House of Commons, as they are separate powers [...] but it cannot be that a country that considers itself to be a serious or moderately serious democracy can allow so many people ignore the fact that a Nazi collaborator is proposed to receive a standing ovation as part of an itinerary," said the legislator.

For Professor Alejandro Salgo Valencia, an academic at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a professor of International Relations, Trudeau's argument indicates that the Canadian leader is among the "least skilled" and "least intelligent" individuals to lead a country.
The scholar told Sputnik that the Canadian PM should have assembled a team of absolute trust to examine the members of Parliament, their invitees, and most importantly, whether a standing ovation was planned.
"Yes, Mr. Trudeau is undoubtedly responsible for not having a team skilled enough to protect him from this type of thing," said the specialist.
According to Alejandro Martinez Serrano, a professor of International Relations at UNAM and La Salle University, the prime minister's argument lacks credibility. He did acknowledge that in politics, there are no coincidences but only interests, and it's evident that Canadian support for the Ukrainian president was related to such activities.
Canadian Parliament Gives Ovation to Nazi SS Veteran: Video

'He Should Have Been in Nuremberg & Now He is a Hero'

For Professor Salgo, the Canadian Parliament's act can be explained by the necessity for Canada, the United States, and other nations to promote Ukrainian nationalism amidst the setbacks in the battle against Russia.
"This individual [Yaroslav Hunka] should have been in Nuremberg, but now he receives official recognition from a 'democratic' country like Canada. It's odd, it's disgraceful, yet it unveils the reality that everything that is anti-Russian deserves applause at this moment, including – something I never thought I would witness – the Nazis," expressed the academic with regret.

""I've spent my entire life watching documentaries and programs that depict German National Socialism as the epitome of evil, Adolf Hitler as the ultimate dictator. Now it happens that a militiaman from one of the most pro-Nazi armed paramilitary movements that ever existed in Europe, who were the Ukrainian followers of Stepan Bandera – this man fought shoulder to shoulder with Bandera – [is seen as] a hero," Salgo criticized.

"If I didn't know the US, Canadian, and European governments so well, I'd be completely confused," the academic said wryly, adding, "I'm not confused because I understand their tactics. Right now, they're trying to foster Ukrainian nationalism as Zelensky's counter-offensive fails. What I do know is that they're also moving into unstable territory."
Honoring Nazi Veteran in Canadian Parliament Consequence of Impunity: Russian Ambassador

Canada Unable to Make Excuses

Professor Martinez Serrano stated that Canada appears unfavorable in the eyes of the global community since it seems that a democratic government is supporting a former militant of an ideology that was condemned for promoting racial extermination and the supremacy of the Aryan race.
For Deputy Attolini Murra, the Canadian Parliament's act reflects a"political inability to make calm and sensible decisions." He firmly believes that this will leave a "permanent mark in [the Parliament's] history."
"A lot of business is being done by the Western oligarchy – mainly American and German – in the sale of armaments that fuels the war in Ukraine – the leaders of the so-called free world are too distracted to pay attention to such a significant and important detail as the fact that a Nazi collaborator was to be recognized."

"It is unacceptable, completely unfounded, preposterous and it should resound loud and clear in all free press and discussion spaces to account for how Western disinformation is what is really tarnishing the dignity of sovereign peoples who have nothing to do with the negligence and irresponsibility of their leaders," Attolini added.

After the incident in Ottawa, as per the elected representative, Canada is thoroughly discredited and unable to make any excuses.