Putin Meets Kim Jong Un at Vostochny Spaceport

VOSTOCHNY COSMODROME, Amur Region, Russia (Sputnik) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in the Russian town of Khasan bordering China and North Korea on Tuesday morning on his private train. Earlier, the Kremlin announced that the North Korean leader would visit Russia in the coming days at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un upon his arrival at Russia's Vostochny spaceport in the Amur region.
The meeting ceremony took place at the main entrance to the assembly and test building of the unified technical complex launch vehicles.
"Thank you for inviting us, despite your tight schedule," Kim told Putin during the meeting
Putin and Kim will inspect the Vostochny Cosmodrome and then will hold talks.
Earlier in the day, Kim arrived at the railway station of the cosomdrome by train.