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Mali's Military Says Dozens Killed in Fighting Against Northern Insurgents

Since 2012, Mali has been suffering from incessant terrorist attacks, when ethnic Tuareg militants seized swaths of territories in the northern part of the country. This regionwide turmoil facilitated terrorism spreading across the Sahel. Despite the agreement between the rebels and the Malian government in 2015, tensions in the region revived.
Malian armed forces lost 10 combatants on Tuesday in clashes against northern Tuareg rebels over a military camp in the town of Bourem, a communique of the general staff of the army said, adding that rebel losses amount to 46 people.
Earlier, the spokesperson of Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA), coalition of Tuareg rebels, Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadane reportedly revealed that CMA seized the military camp in Bourem.

"I confirm the CMA took control of the camp around 10 am after very violent fighting," he was quoted by the media as saying.

Later, Ramadane said that the rebel group withdrew, and the army took over the control of the town, noting that CMA did not aim to hold the camp.
Malian forces stated that the rebels retreated to the north and the zone around Bourem is "under high operational supervision," according to the communique.
In 2012, the Tuareg rebels began fighting campaign against the then Malian government, seeking independence for the northern part of the country, which they called Azawad. In 2015, the sides singed a peace agreement, which officially ended the regional rebellion
Sub-Saharan Africa
African Union Commission Chief Condemns Attack on Military Camp in Mali
The instability in the region was fanned by jihadists, who took their own campaign in the Sahel.
Although, the United Nations deployed a mission in Mali, commonly known as MINUSMA, to combat terrorism, the nationwide instability increased. According to the country's authorities, the UN counterterrorist measures failed, therefore, it was decided to withdraw MINUSMA by the end of the year.
The handover triggered clashes between the army and the jihadists and led to an angry showdown with the former rebels, stoking fears for the 2015 peace agreement viability.
As for the rise in terrorist attacks, last Friday, the Malian armed forces reported over 60 killed as a result of Islamist militants' attack on a military camp and a watercraft vessel in the country's northeastern region of Gao.
In addition, in August, an al-Qaeda-linked* alliance, the Support Group for Islam and Muslims* (GSIM), announced the blockade of the Malian northern city Timbuktu.
*Terrorist organization banned in Russia and many other countries