What are the Luna-25's Primary Mission Objectives?
Russia's Return to the Moon?
"Luna-25 is the first Russian unmanned spacecraft designed for contact-based research of the celestial body closest to Earth. The mission marks the revival of the domestic lunar program, which was interrupted in August 1976 after the flight of the Soviet Luna-24 unmanned spacecraft, which delivered samples of lunar soil mined from a depth of about two meters back to Earth," space expert Igor Afanasyev, science editor of Roscosmos Media, told Sputnik when asked about Luna-25's significance.
What Makes the Luna-25 Unique?
"Our station corresponds to the concept of 'all in one': it flies as one component to the Moon, enters the lunar orbit and lands. India’s Chandrayaan-3, which entered lunar orbit on August 8, contains a flight module, lander and lunar rover. China's Chang'e-3, which landed on the far side of the Moon, contained a lander and lunar rover. Recent US spacecraft worked or are working in lunar orbit," he explained.
Putting Politics Aside: Why is Search for Water on the Moon Important?
"The Moon is becoming economically important, because in order to fly around in space, one needs fuel, and water is an excellent source of rocket fuel, breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen. Launching water into space from Earth is very expensive, because too much fuel is spent just on lifting," the scientist said. "From the Moon, on the other hand, it is inexpensive. Therefore, in the future, after 2050 to be specific, the ice deposits existing at the poles will start to be cultivated."
"Today, the political component of the competition between space powers has faded into the background. The main goal is to obtain new knowledge about the world around us, and to develop new technologies, which are indispensable in the creation of technology for the exploration and mastery of outer space," the observer said.