Situation in Niger After Military Coup
On July 26, Niger's presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum. The guard's commander, Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, proclaimed himself the country's new leader.

France Completes Evacuation of Over 1,000 People From Niger

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - France has completed evacuation of its nationals from Niger, French Minister of Defense Sebastien Lecornu said on Thursday, adding that over 1,000 people were brought to Europe from the African country.
France started evacuating its citizens and other nationals shortly after thousands of people took part in a rally against former colonial ruler France and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the Nigerien capital of Niamey on Sunday.

"The evacuation of our citizens from Niger has just been completed. 1,079 French and Europeans are now safe," the minister said.

France, together with Italy, also assisted in the evacuation of Danish nationals from Niger, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said.

"Danish citizens have left Niger on board French & Italian flights. I would like to sincerely thank my colleagues [French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna and Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani] for their excellent work. Thankful for strong cooperation in the EU," Rasmussen was quoted as saying by the Danish Foreign Ministry.

France has organized a total of five evacuation flights. Apart from 577 French people, 502 nationals of 50 other countries, including Germany, Belgium, Canada, Austria, Portugal, Ethiopia, Niger and India have been evacuated, the French Defense Ministry said in a separate statement.
Situation in Niger After Military Coup
French Military Suspends Collaboration With Niger After Coup
On July 26, Niger's presidential guard removed President Mohamed Bazoum from power. The guard's commander, Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, proclaimed himself the country's new leader.
The French Foreign Ministry said that French President Emmanuel Macron had spoken to Bazoum on Friday and that Paris continued to recognize him as the only legitimate leader of the African country.