Second Russia–Africa Summit

Working With Russia Allows Africa to Remain Sovereign & Independent: SA Businessman

The two-day Russia-Africa Summit brought together not only heads of state and prominent politicians, but also business representatives from across the continent who shared their aspirations for further economic cooperation with Russia.
While developing relations with African countries, Russia is not trying to impose anything on them and offers a partnership that allows them to follow their own interests as sovereign nations, the South African Black Business Council's President Elias Monage told Sputnik Africa on the sidelines of the second Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg.
"I guess one of the things that we have seen over the years is that Russia...they're not imposing themselves on the continent. They want to work with the continent across various segments, and I think that gives African countries that sovereignty in terms of continue to be independent from anyone else," he said.
Second Russia–Africa Summit
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According to the businessman, by building strong economic ties with Russia, the continent will be able to maintain its sovereignty and remain independent of any external pressures. Moscow offers cooperation in various fields, he added, noting that the continent is interested in this kind of partnership.

"And I think for us that is a better way of doing things with Russia as a country," he elaborated.

Monage recalled that in 2019, he took part in the first Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi. Comparing these two gatherings, he noted that the second edition is "well attended, both from the political point of view and even from business."
The businessman added that this year, South Africa, as well as other African nations, sent a large delegation of government and business representatives to the summit.
"And we have a huge contingent of delegates from businesses [...] and even other countries have seen the same, whether it’s Zimbabwe, Mozambique. There's a huge delegation both from government and from business," Monage stated.
The second Russia-Africa Summit is taking place in the Russian city of St. Petersburg from July 27-28. Delegations from 49 countries, including 17 African leaders, are taking part in the key event in Russia-Africa relations, which is expected to give a new impetus to the cooperation between Moscow and the continent.