Situation in Niger After Military Coup
On July 26, Niger's presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum. The guard's commander, Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, proclaimed himself the country's new leader.

Moscow Calls for Peaceful Settlement of Internal Crisis in Niger as Military Supports Mutiny

On Wednesday, members of Niger's presidential guard started a mutiny by surrounding the presidential palace in the capital, Niamey, and blockading President Mohamed Bazoum's office and residence. The military later announced on national television that the president had been removed from his position.
Russia is following with great concern the developments of the situation in the Republic of Niger, where on July 26 a group of military personnel blocked the presidential palace and announced the removal of the incumbent head of state from power, said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.
According to incoming information, the diplomat recalled, the activities of all state institutions have been suspended, borders have been closed, and a curfew has been introduced throughout the country. Against this backdrop, Zakharova stressed, Moscow calls on the peaceful resolution of the conflict for the sake of the country's people.

"We call on the parties to the conflict to refrain from the use of force and resolve all contentious issues through peaceful and constructive dialogue. We look forward to a speedy resolution of this internal political crisis in the interest of restoring civil peace," she said.

She noted that Russia hopes the military will release President Bazoum as soon as possible.
According to the Russian Embassy in Mali, which also monitors Niger, no Russians have been injured in the conflict. Nevertheless, the Russian Foreign Ministry recommended that Russian citizens refrain from non-emergency travel to Niger until the situation is fully stabilized.
Earlier in the day, on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Summit, Chairman of the African Union and President of Comoros Azali Assoumani said that the African Union strongly condemns the ongoing coup attempt in Niger and demands the release of President Mohamed Bazoum.
Situation in Niger After Military Coup
Niger's President Bazoum Reportedly Removed From Power, All Country's Institutions 'Suspended'

Nigerien Military Command Declares Solidarity With Rebels

The Nigerien armed forces on Thursday declared solidarity with rebels, and said that any external military intervention may result in catastrophic consequences for the country.

"The military command of the Nigerien armed forces [...] decided to join the statement of the Defense and Security Forces [rebels]," the armed forces said, adding that the decision was made to avoid bloodshed and make sure that the president is unharmed.

The military also called on rebels to remain combat-ready to fight terrorists and organized crime
On Wednesday morning, parts of the Nigerien presidential guard began a mutiny by surrounding the presidential palace in Niamey and blocking off President Bazoum's office and residence. Later, they appeared on national television and said that the president had been removed and the borders of the country were closed.
According to local media, the alleged reason for the mutiny is Bazoum's intention to dismiss the commander of the Presidential Guard, Gen. Omar Tchiani.