"It's part of the process of Africa taking its place in the world," the official said. "Indeed, this project that we're thinking about in Africa, the partner with whom we can see how together we can go into space. So there's an outline of what Africa stands to gain by going into space".
"Because today, if an African goes up to the sky [goes into space], people will encourage each other to work. And that can actually ensure that we have the expertise, that we have this education," he stressed.
"When a Russian partner comes to the Comoros, you need Comoran experts to work with him, because he doesn't know the realities of the country. So the trained Comoran is going to capitalize on his coming because he's going to tell him what to do and what not to do. Countries that are developed, it's not because they have oil, [...] but also people, young people who are trained and above all imbued with the spirit of patriotism in the country, for the interest of their country. And that's what we need: education and health", concluded the Comoran head of state.