Second Russia–Africa Summit

South Africa-Russia Cooperation Not Hindered by Sanctions, Deputy Minister Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The sanctions that were introduces against Moscow do not hinder the productive cooperation between South Africa and Russia, South African Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Parks Tau told Sputnik on Wednesday.
Russia is an important member of the BRICS and a major player, and South Africa continues to cooperate with Russia and trying to find ways to overcome the challenges of sanctions imposed against Moscow, Tau said.
According to him, there are a number of areas in which South Africa is cooperating with Russia through the BRICS in order to improve the lives of the people of the country.
"With Russia, we have mutually productive interaction, in particular, in a number of areas related to cooperation in the field of local government and in the BRICS community on investment opportunities to use in order to improve the lives of our people," Tau added.
BRICS unites Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. A number of other countries intend to join the economic bloc, including Argentina, Iran, and, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. In 2024, the chairmanship of the association passes to Russia. Now South Africa has these powers.
BRICS Should Tackle Global Security Challenges Together, South Africa Says