Russia's Security Council Reveals Why BRICS Attracts Other Countries

Earlier this month, Anil Sooklal, South Africa's ambassador-at-large for Asia and BRICS stated that 22 countries around the world have applied to join the club, and even more nations have shown interest.
The BRICS association has become attractive to many nations because it does not have any confrontational or hidden agenda, and the five members interact on the basis of agreed approaches, said the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolay Patrushev during a meeting of high representatives of the BRICS states in charge of security issues with the participation of the "Friends of BRICS".
Patrushev's words are quoted by the press service of the Security Council apparatus.

"We see the growing interest of the countries participating in today's meeting in deepening cooperation with the "five". The key to the attractiveness of BRICS for many countries of the Global South and East is that this format does not have any confrontational or hidden agenda. Its member states build communication not on the principle of leader-slave, where someone sets the tone, and the rest follow these guidelines, but on the basis of agreed approaches," the Secretary of the Security Council stated.

According to him, over the years of the cooperation within the bloc, a culture of dialogue has been shaped, and open and trusting relationships have been cultivated, based on the principles of sovereign equality, respect for choosing their own path of development and the consideration of each other's interests.
"This helps our countries to always find common ground and mutually acceptable solutions, even on the most difficult issues. This approach is already bearing fruit and appeals to our like-minded people," Patrushev said.
In addition, Patrushev noted that BRICS is gaining an increasingly significant role as an innovative format for nation-to-nation interaction.
According to Patrushev, the doors of the association are open for interaction with like-minded people.
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"The involvement of a wide range of countries in discussions within the framework of BRICS, the formation of a permanent circle of friends of the association will contribute to consolidating efforts by the world majority to solve common development problems and overcome current challenges in various spheres, including security," he explained.

Patrushev outlined that suppressing the dictates of the United States in international relations meets the interests of all sovereign nations.

"Today, international relations are undergoing significant changes. The world continues to move confidently towards a fairer multipolar system based, as President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin noted, 'on the principles of trust and indivisibility of security, equal opportunities for the free and distinctive development of all countries and peoples,'" he said.

He also emphasized that the path to multipolarity evokes antagonism and rejection in the West, which, "in an attempt to maintain world domination, does not back down from any means – from unilateral sanctions to waging hybrid wars".
According to him, it has come to the point that the unicentric system of the world order, that is, the system of the majority, the global minority seeks to replace with a kind of "rules-based order."
"We are convinced that it is in the interests of all sovereign states to prevent Americans from dictating and imposing their approaches on others. In the modern political and economic architecture of the world, it is increasingly in demand to increase the representation of countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East that pursue an independent foreign policy and are ready to defend national interests and their sovereignty in the institutions of global governance," Patrushev stressed.
BRICS unites Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. A number of other countries intend to join the economic bloc, including Argentina, Iran, as well as, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt.