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Uganda Muslim Council Denounces Burning of Quran in Sweden

A protest was held in the Swedish capital of Stockholm, authorized by the local police, during which the Quran was burned outside the main mosque of the capital on June 28, the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.
Uganda's Deputy Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa has decried the Quran burning in Sweden last week.
Speaking to Iranian press at his office at the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, he urged Sweden and other European countries to cease defending provocative behavior toward Muslims.

"Provocation of violence among peaceful living Muslims is indeed uncalled for. In a civilized world like in a European society, it is shocking that a person is allowed to provoke the anger of over two billion people without repercussions," he said.

Syrian Mufti on Quran Burning in Sweden: Arab-Muslim World Will Not Leave Such Crimes Unanswered
According to Ali Waiswa, freedom of expression is "not a right without limits" and must not violate the dignity of others.
He said that burning the Quran under the excuse of freedom of expression was a "mockery" of Islam and its adherents, adding that there must be a single standard for freedom of expression.
"Why would it be illegal to deny or write negatively about the Holocaust, but it is legal to offend Muslims? That is double standards," he said.
The desecration and burning of the Quran in Stockholm during Eid al-Adha celebrations provoked a wide backlash in many countries around the world.
Algeria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, also condemned the incident, amongst others.
Riyadh Summons Swedish Ambassador Over Latest Quran-Burning Act in Stockholm
The foreign ministries of Jordan and the UAE summoned the Swedish ambassadors to hand them a note of protest.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the impunity of the participants in this incident could lead to unpredictable catastrophic consequences.
An Iraqi immigrant involved in the burning of the Quran in Stockholm said he would not admit to the accusations of inciting ethnic hatred.
Iraq, in turn, demanded that Swedish authorities extradite the immigrant who committed the act to face trial.