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UNSC's Current Situation Shows 'Imperative Need' for Multipolarity, Says Ex-DRC Top Diplomat

Preventing Russian diplomats from attending the UN Security Council, which Moscow chairs in April, puts the US in breach of international principles, Léonard She Okitundu, honorary Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DRC told Sputnik, while criticizing the fact that Africa is struggling to obtain a seat as a permanent Security Council member.
Once again, delegates from Moscow are being obstructed from attending events organized by international organizations, where Russia is a member. This time, it's in the UN Security Council, chaired by Russia in April.
Some members of the Russian delegation still have not received their visas, and the reception of Sergey Lavrov's plane has not yet been approved. For an ex-DRC foreign minister, interviewed by Sputnik Africa, this attitude represents "an unfriendly gesture" and undermines international rules.
"Indeed, this refusal prevents this high-ranking diplomat from exercising his eminent international responsibilities in the community of nations. It is a clear violation of the principles governing international relations," Léonard She Okitundu emphasized.
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Moreover, he pointed out that "the refusal of a visa can only be considered against a member of the delegation who has committed a manifestly reprehensible act".
"The case under examination is a flagrant breach of the rules and principles that should govern the functioning of the UN as well as harmonious relations between the member nations of this precious organization", noted the former honorary head of Congolese diplomacy.

Relocate UN Headquarters to Africa?

Responding to the idea of moving the United Nations headquarters, raised by First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky, Mr. She Okitundu showed himself to be unconvinced.
Relocation "would hardly win the will of the majority of member states for diplomatic, financial, logistical and security reasons," he insisted.
Africa "is already struggling to win, in view of reforming the Security Council, a permanent seat in this body, endowed with a right of veto, so that it cannot, within the framework of the relationship of the forces present and the current general situation of the Continent, allow itself to take the liberty of calling for the relocation of United Nations headquarters," he stressed.

'Imperative Need' For Multipolar World

The situation currently prevailing within the UN Security Council reveals "the imperative need for serious reflection on the advent of a new multipolar order," added the former Honorary Foreign Minister of the DRC.
According to him, it's time for the Global South, if need be under the leadership of BRICS, to undertake efforts to make this multipolarity come about, "for the defense and preservation of its fundamental interests."