Second Russia–Africa Summit

Food Security to Be Discussed at July Russia-Africa Forum

The second summit and the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum will be held in St. Petersburg on July 26-29, and the Russian state humanitarian organization has published the business schedule.
Africa's food security, new logistics routes and international security in the face of geopolitical instability will be discussed at the Russia-Africa Forum, the Roscongress Foundation has stated.
According to the agency, which is responsible for the event's organization, the major topic of the forum is "Technology and security for sovereign development for the benefit of people." The business program of the forum is divided into four blocks.
As part of the first of them - "The Economy of the New World" - topics such as financing the creation of large infrastructure facilities in Africa, the risks and conditions for doing business on this continent, the export potential of Russia and Africa, and new logistics routes are planned to be discussed.
The second "Integrated Security and Sovereign Development" block will discuss international security in the face of geopolitical instability, as well as food security in Africa.
The block "Cooperation in the field of science and technology" was also announced, which will focus on nuclear and digital technologies, as well as Russian shipbuilding for Africa.
Within the block "Humanitarian and social sphere: together to a new quality of life" cooperation in the field of higher education and tourism will be discussed.
A media forum is also planned within the framework of which participants will discuss the role of the media in shaping a positive image, as well as the experience of Russia and Africa in the fight against disinformation. A congress of university rectors is also planned.
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